Friday, June 1, 2007

Why do I even bother?


The State of the Canadian Industry

I'm usually a pretty upbeat person. I know that I've chosen a hard road. It's a tough game this thing we call screenwriting, but I just can't see myself doing anything else. Of course that doesn't mean that I don't question my sanity at times.

Especially when I see things like this.

That's the CBC's coverage of their fall schedule announcement. Now let us forget for a moment that it's a case of a broadcaster providing coverage of themselves (wonder what the slant on that coverage is going to be?), and look at what they're saying.

Frankly, I was shocked. This year the CBC is charging headlong into producing reality television. Dragon's Den, Test the Nation, No Opportunity Wasted, Triple Sensation. All reality. All a departure from the types of shows Canadians are used to seeing on their public broadcaster.

This wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing, particularly if there were a bunch of scripted dramatic series waiting in the wings.

I'd say guess what, but I'm sure everyone can see where this is going...

Four reality shows in its fall schedule and the CBC's only planning on having two dramas. Intelligence (which I do give them kudos for renewing) and a new drama called Heartland. The CBC's also bringing back Little Mosque and a couple of miniseries St. Urbain's Horseman, Showtime's The Tudors (which barely counts since it was mainly an Irish endeavor).

Guess I was hoping for better from the Ceeb.

Why does this depress me? Well it's another symptom of the declining opportunities for Canadian creatives. I think that the CBC has its head up its collective arse if they think that Canadians want to see more crappy reality television (okay...that might've been unfair, but I'm venting) rather than dramas or comedies.

The joys of the Canadian industry.

Let us review:

Screwed up government regulations. Check!

A plain screwed up government. Check!

Commercial pressure? Check!

We could go on (and on) but others have commented much more eloquently (and with more experience) than yours truly (people like Mr. McGrath and Mr. heroes!).

So what's a young writer to do?

Honestly I haven't a clue. Could always try my luck south of the border, but that would involve all sorts of nasty things like green cards (not to mention I really do love living in Canada).

Nope. Nothing for it but to keep on plugging away.

That reminds me that I have a pilot treatment to finish off...

Back to the grindstone...


jimhenshaw said...

The only solution is to keep plugging. Things do change, sometimes they turn on a dime and you can only take advantage of the shift if you're ready.

There's an article in the Saturday Globe which indicates CBC has spun their ratings to make what was the worst year in their 55 year history appear to be their best.

Marketing spin and lack of content only lasts a while -- and then they'll be calling you. Honest.


Peter said...

I just can't get past how disconnected from reality the industry appears to be at times. Organizations like the CRTC and Telefilm may mean well, but it seems like they're operating in their own little world half the time...

But you're right. Nothing for it but to keep plugging away until something gives. Good thing I really enjoy the plugging...

Thanks so much for the comment too! It was great to hear from you on my little blog!