Wednesday, May 23, 2007

In which our hero screws the proverbial pooch...

Ever have one of those days where the world conspires against you, upsetting your best laid plans? Sometimes we can just throw up our hands and blame fate. "Surely," we say, "this can't be my fault."

Well today was one of those days for me. Minus the ability to throw up my hands and blame fate bit.

See, this truly was my fault. I screwed up big time. My boss, and even some of my coworkers, have been severely inconvenienced. Who knows! I might even lose my job over it! No, it's not all that likely, but it's a possibility and it's most definitely there.

So. Here I sit. I've been through the emotional wringer all day. My stomach is still churning with stress. Seriously contemplating a public act of ritual suicide (again...not really...but the thought of falling on my sword does have a certain panache given the situation), only to have things be put into perspective.

Nobody died. No irrevocable damage was done. Sure people are pissed at me, but that too will pass.

"An expert is someone who's made all the stupid mistakes. An idiot is someone who repeats them."

I've made this stupid mistake. I'll do my best not to repeat it.

Oh...and if you want to know what it was I did...bribery works wonders (especially beer!).

1 comment:

Nicole is... said...

ummm... how about e-beer... or i'll owe you one whenever the hell i get back in to town. but i'm dying of curiosity!