Friday, July 11, 2008

Things you can do to piss off development monkeys

I'm sure I've posted about this before...but trust bears repeating.

1. Spell Check!

If your script has spelling and grammatical mistakes don't submit it! The dirty secret is that development monkeys (like me) are looking for reasons to not read your script, don't give it to us.

2. Do your research!

Don't pitch us ideas that don't fit our company. If it's not a fit, we won't consider it (funny that).

3. Don't harass us!

Your average development monkey will have anywhere from 5 to 10 scripts to read at any given time (at least from my personal experience). It will take AT LEAST several weeks to get back to you. If you harass me it'll take longer.

4. Learn to take no for an answer!

It's not personal. If I tell you a project's not for my company, that's just it, no need to get hostile.

5. Have something else to pitch!

If we like you, we'll ask you what else you have. If you don't have anything else (even if it's rough) you'll go to the bottom of the pile.

Have something else.

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