Thursday, September 25, 2008

CFC Updates

I won't be writing them.

Why you ask?

Well, mostly because the CFC is keeping me really, really busy. Don't get me wrong, it's chockfull of awesome, but to do it any kind of justice in a blog update I'd have to spend a fair bit of time thinking about my experiences, processing them, etc, and frankly that time could be much better spent actually, you know, writing.

So. No CFC updates.

I'll just continue with the linkslutting.

If anyone's interested in how things are going, or if you are thinking about applying and have questions, feel free to drop me a line and I'll do my best to fill you in.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Sexy Ads

James Hibberd has an interesting round up of The best (and worst) fall TV show ads. Nothing earth shattering, but it's fun to see what works and what doesn't...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

When TV and (American) Politics Meet

Obama meets Bartlett, courtesy of Aaron Sorkin.

Pure. Gold.

Man do I miss The West Wing.